App-Level Package Settings
This page provides information about the package settings and properties available within the App, which allows you to configure the query and JS modules.
Query module
When you integrate the query module into the app, you can access and modify the parameters that have been set up for the query module using the query editor. You have the option to include multiple query modules, whether they're from the same package or different ones, and supply parameters to each module according to your specific needs.
These properties facilitate dynamic value transmission from your app to the query module.
The input property enables you to pass dynamic values from your app to the query module. With inputs, you can incorporate dynamic data retrieval based on user interactions or other widget bindings.
You cannot edit the input name or query configuration from the App; you can only pass values to the available inputs.

If you have an input named distinct_id
, you can pass data like this:
These settings allow you to configure the query module according to your requirements
Run query on page load
When enabled, this property allows the query to automatically execute each time the page is loaded. You can choose to enable it based on your specific requirements and configure it to execute on page load.
Request confirmation before running query
When enabled, this property displays a confirmation modal each time before refreshing the data. This ensures that users have the opportunity to confirm their action before executing the query, preventing unintended data refreshes.
JS module
These properties are customizable options available within the JS editor of the JS module. They can be accessed by adding the JS module in the App.
Additionally, you can add multiple JS modules from the same package, each with different configurations.

Function setting
This setting allows you to configure each function available in the JS module according to your requirements.
Function name
This setting displays all the function names available in the JS module.
Run on page load
When enabled, this property allows the specified JS function to run when the page loads. You can set this property for each JS function available.
Confirm before calling
When enabled, this property displays a confirmation modal before calling the specified function. You can set this property for all the available functions.
This property displays all the parameters available for the specified function.